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Monday, 03.02.2025 lang.iso lang.iso lang.iso

Together we can free Gyumri from domiks a day earlier


More than quarter century has passed after the devastating disaster of 1988, nevertheless the depressive psychology of disaster still prevails. Nowadays more than 3500 dilapidated domiks are scattered all over the town.  Even the significant part of the families who gained homes in previous years don't hurry to demolish them and free Gyumri from the painful sight of disaster. Unequivocally, it's impossible to take Gyumri out of the hard and depressing atmosphere until the town has got rid of the dilapidated domiks, 1000 of which isn't even inhabited. Our investigations have shown that for freeing the town from domiks one of the best versions will be to buy dilapidated domiks for sale from the owners and just demolish them. The remained wood from the domiks can be distributed to the homeless families living in other domiks. Every year during winter months in order to bestow warmth ''Shirak Center'' purchases about 300 cubic meter wood from forest areas of Armenia and distributes to needy families.  It turns out that every year our organization forcedly promotes to the disappearance of 1000 trees from our scanty forests. Our new charitable enterprise will promote to no more forest cuttings, instead the wood remained from the demolished domiks will be provided to the homeless families as winter fuel. Moreover, the metal parts remained from the demolition of the domiks will be bartered for wood or will be sold and with the money raised again domiks will be bought for demolition. At the moment in Gyumri the price of one dilapidated domik is 600-800 $. We will take a photo of each domik liable to demolition, the process of demolition and the photos, video materials of the cleared areas will also be introduced. They will be inserted in our website and the sponsor providing financial aid for the acquisition of the corresponding domik will be introduced as well. The suggested project has 5 components which are of paramount importance. The first one is psychological- the hope will arise in the residents of Gyumri that one day their favorite town will regain the former charm without domiks. The second one is social-during the winter months free fuel will be provided to the homeless families sheltered in domiks. The third one is architectural- in Gyumri perceptible communal lands will be freed from temporary dwellings which will give the opportunity to carry out construction work and the reconstruction of the city view. The fourth is environmental-instead of cutting forests we will get winter fuel from the demolition of decrepit and damp domiks long ago gone out of order. The fifth one is employment- 10-15 unemployed people from temporary settlements will be involved in this project. The sum of money envisaged by the budget will be spent on the purchase of domiks, their demolition, preparation and distribution of firewood. For the realization of this project we apply to our partners, all the people of good will and organizations calling for response and donations to one of the accounts mentioned below.

GYUMRI, REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA: str. M. Khorenachi 50/4, Shirak Centre NGO

E-mail: shirakcentre@gmail.com
Web site: www.shirakcentre.org

Phone: +(374 91) 45-13-37


Gay str. Client Account N: 2472601614240020- for USA

57A: Beneficiary Bank ProCredit Bank CJSC Yerevan, Armenia SWIFT: PRCBAM22 
AMD - 253050026090-0010
EUR - 253050026108-0012
RUB - 253050026116-0013

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