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U.S. Embassy celebrated the 246 th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America

Yerevan, Armenia - On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Embassy celebrated the 246 th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America with an evening music, American food, and fireworks. 

 At the event, U.S. Ambassador Lynne Tracy reaffirmed U.S. support for democratic development in Armenia. “The stories of our partnership encompass support for democratic institutions, civil society, free and fair journalism, economic growth, energy  diversification, inclusive education, improved healthcare, access to water, security cooperation, preservation of cultural heritage, exchange programs, and humanitarian needs. We have partnered with Armenians in and out of government, like-minded diplomats and international organizations, and American citizens, including proud Armenian-Americans. The tie that has animated this cooperation has been a shared sense of values. And, it is the power of these partnerships that has helped drive the significant progresswe have seen in Armenia over the past thirty years,” Ambassador Tracy said in her remarks.

Independence Day, which Americans celebrate as the birthday of the United States of America, takes place on July 4 each year, in honor of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Five members of the renowned Hover State Chamber Choir performed the Armenian and U.S. National Anthems in honor of the occasion. The theme of the event is the 30 th anniversary of the U.S. – Armenia relationship. 

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