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Top 6 fun places in Yerevan and Tbilisi

1. Calumet Ethnic Lounge Bar – Yerevan

Calumet is one of the oldest pubs/bars in Yerevan. It is a place for non-formal people from around the world. It is a place for experimenting how tolerant and multicultural a person can be. You come here and there is like Spanish music, then typical Irish, than Russian folk, then Armenian warrior and regional music, then some pop music etc. etc. And people dance. This place is famous as one, where you go to stand and have fun. Why to stand? Because it’s always so full, that you feel ok to enter, take one beer or whatever and just stand there. 

2. Canudos Ethnic Bar – Tbilisi

Ou, Canudos. I have visited it this summer. Being a very big fan of Calumet, I was amazed to find something similar in Georgia. But, here the description would be a little different, cause in summer Canudos does not have space problem, it just uses the nearby fountains, haha. No truly, Canudos is full of Georgians and tourists who sit just on the sidewalk or inside the fountain, which is not lit with water. I think they would sit there even if it was.

3. Jean Paul Existential Cafe – Yerevan

The name speaks for itself, isn’t it? Yeah, Jean Paul is a place for very very existential talks, they become even more when you taste the great Armenian red wine with some really traditional cheese with greens inside. Atmosphere becomes warmer and warmer with every toast of wine, but the best happens in winter when there is the fireplace activated, there is awesome music playing and guys dancing. This place is also famous for hosting different artworks, which are being exhibited and sold.

4. Dive Bar – Tbilisi

What would you think about a bar, which is owned by an American and one from Iran? ) Definitely not a place for political misunderstandings. Dive bar is a peaceful place, where you meet friends, find friends, “lose” friends in beer-pong battles and just have fun. ))) Besides, there are really cool live music evenings organized every Wednesday here.

5. Pub 37 – Yerevan

Pub 37 is a kind of classy pub, where people who like really high quality beers and stouts like Murphy’s come to hang out. Probably the best part of this pub is the bar, where the bartender is a tender person and a great chitchat companion. Here people have the chance to listen to really different kinds of music and to have beer in meters.

6. The Hangar Bar – Tbilisi

The Hangar Bar looks just like a German or Irish style hanging place, where people have places to sit near the barman and outside the building, on a terrace. Especially in summer the place becomes a destiny for tourists from all over the world. The owner herself is from Ireland if I am not mistaken and sings really well.


So here were all the places in this 2 amazing cities that I like to visit the most. Hope this will be a good tip for who wants to travel to our countries. Have a nice time and maybe we’ll meet in one of these pubs…


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