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It's a matter of life and death, every day is important, and the company that transports medicine, doesn't give any deadlines

''It's a matter of life and death, our relative Arakel, who is 76 years old, was diagnosed with oncology. He had been operated in Germany, regularly went to treatment, but now he can't get the medicine prescribed for his treatment''- relative of patient's family Armen Dallakyan told Asekose.am about it. He had turned to our redaction trying to present the problems citizens face in this situation.

Family relative mentions that medicine ''Nivolumab'' can't be found in Armenia, for getting it they had turned to RA Ministry of Health for receiving the corresponding permission.

''The medicine is quite expensive 6400 euro, their relatives living in Germany had bought it this time and organized its transportation via DHL Express. They said that we could receive the medicine on the 13th of April. The patient had to take the medicine on the 9th of April, but his doctor said that if he takes it several days later, there won't be any problem. We could follow the transportation process via the received code, in several days we saw that the medicine was already in Moscow, but then it was sent to England. Not it is at London's airport. We phoned the Armenian office of DHL Express, but they don't have any answer on the transportation of the medicine that is so important for us. They say that they can't tell us the exact day of receiving our parcel. By the way, only the operators answer our questions, we couldn't get in touch with those who are responsible for the office''- Armen said.

According to Armen's words the patient's condition is good now, but every day it can change and be dangerous for the patient's life.

''The disease can rise every moment, maybe it is already spreading, every day is important for us, but they don't tell us anything, we should wait for an indefinite period of time and we don't know who (any responsible person) can solve our problem. We should mention that this medicine has never been sold in Armenia and doesn't have any substitute, it means that our relative's life depends on the transportation of the medicine''.

Armen also added that they have tried to get in touch with the England office of DHL, but no answer was received to the written request. Asekose.am connected with DHL Express office, they said that because of the situation in the world they can't say anything for sure, the parcel was transported to London, because its further transportation would be faster from there. Via RF nothing can be realized till April 30. Other answer or deadlines weren't given.

Կայքում տեղ գտած մտքերն ու տեսակետները հեղինակի սեփականությունն են և կարող են չհամընկնել Asekose.am-ի խմբագրության տեսակետների հետ: Նյութերի ներքո` վիրավորական ցանկացած արտահայտություն կհեռացվի կայքից:
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