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Harout Pamboukjian's Mistake

Mr Harout Pamboukjian was so upset with the coverage of the  story of his taking a “bow” to the President during the National Assembly elections, that he  lodged a complaint with YouTube  against AsekoseTV thinking that he can erase the moment in history.   Below we present to you a copy of the letter that went to YouTube in the hope that Mr. Pamboukjian will take a moment to reflect on   his “famous bow” and his complaint against  AsekoseTV. 



Dear YOUTUBE authorities


We understand that a complaint has been lodged against our news site  AsekoseTV Youtube page  by vocal artist Harout Pamboukjian for using a footage from a concert which was organized as part of a political campaign for the current  ruling party in Armenia.   The complainant claims that we had no permission from him to use a few seconds of  a clip from the concert. 

We strongly contest that the publication did not violate any legal or ethical rules  for the following reasons:


1)    Mr. Pamboukjian was performing for an election campaign and the story was aired for  a  few minutes  on most broadcast and print media as NEWS

2)    The concert was big NEWS, because Mr. Pamboukjian took an extreme bow to the President (people claimed that he was stooping)  for whose party he was performing

3)    A video tape of a few seconds from the concert was used not for the sake of entertainment but as a  NEWS  story focusing on the fact of Mr. Pamboukjian and how he took a bow (focusing  on the argument of the day which was bowing vs. stooping)  to the President

4)    Only a  few seconds of  his clip from the concert was used, not even one complete song from his hours long concert with the title “Harout singing Dashnaktsakan songs at HHK’s campaign”  (Dashnaktsutyun and HHK are different political parties) 

5)    Moreover, the  clip was on the Facebook of Government’s head of  PR  from whom I took permission to use the clip as part of NEWS

Կայքում տեղ գտած մտքերն ու տեսակետները հեղինակի սեփականությունն են և կարող են չհամընկնել Asekose.am-ի խմբագրության տեսակետների հետ: Նյութերի ներքո` վիրավորական ցանկացած արտահայտություն կհեռացվի կայքից:
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