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Because of DHL Express we lost the medication worth 6400 EUR, our friend’s life is in danger, but the company keeps silence

“Our friend’s life is in a real danger, the lost days cannot pass without any consequences,” Armen Dallakyan told Asekose.am during their conversation. Previously he mentioned how he, together with the family members, ordered a shipping of the medication via DHL Express, however, it was not only delivered with the delay, but also already expired.

“We ordered a special medication used in the oncology from Germany for a 76-years- old Arakel, a friend of a family, which should have been delivered to Armenia on April 13 at latest, however, the medication was sent to the Russian Federation from Germany, then to England, after which it was in Georgia with the delay. The whole family has paid 6400 EUR for the medication “Nivolumab”, as well as 400 EUR for “a very fast” delivery, however, the delivery was not performed in a correct way. The medication that is not available in Armenia, should have been delivered in special coolers, but we assume thatduring those shipping it hasn’t been kept in the cooler due to which it has become useless. The Doctor gave an instruction in no condition to use the medication,” noted the family friend.

As pre his words, in this situation DHL Expresses refuses to undertake any responsibility or provide any compensation: they addressed the offices of the company in different countries but hasn’t received any answer yet, “In Armenia, the office
mentions that they are the receiver and we should address the office in Germany. But they do not provide any precise answer either. As a result, our friend’s life is in danger, and so, we have not only lost 6400 EUR, also we are neglected and nobody can
compensate the damage caused to us. We don’t even know which authority we should address for settling this issue,” said Armen.

In addition, earlier when the shipping was not yet done, Asekose.am contacted DHL Express Armenian office, but they mentioned that they could not do anything due to the situation all over the world.

You can also read- It's a matter of life and death, every day is important, and the company that transports medicine, doesn't give any deadlines 

The medication with the cost of 6400 EUR necessary for the life of our friend was delivered by DHL Express so late it was not needed any more


Կայքում տեղ գտած մտքերն ու տեսակետները հեղինակի սեփականությունն են և կարող են չհամընկնել Asekose.am-ի խմբագրության տեսակետների հետ: Նյութերի ներքո` վիրավորական ցանկացած արտահայտություն կհեռացվի կայքից:
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