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Armenian MOD refutes another misinformation disseminated by Azerbaijan

YEREVAN. - The Defense Ministry of Armenia categorically refutes the joint statement of the Azerbaijani Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, according to which the subdivisions of the Armenian armed forces allegedly shelled the Azerbaijani military positions, as well as civilian settlements all day long.

The Defense Ministry of Armenia claims that the Armenian armed forces did not carry out any action along the entire contact line, not firing a single shot.

Moreover, unlike the similar practice of Azerbaijan, the armed forces of Armenia never and under no circumstances target civilian settlements, the claims on their shelling being simple misinformation or an attempt of informational preparation by the Azerbaijani side for future provocations. 

The Defense Ministry of Armenia warns the military and political leadership of Azerbaijan that in case of any provocation the Armenian side will resort to tough actions. It also urges to refrain from new adventurism, which can have unprecedented consequences for the entire region.

The best way to avoid the evidence-free accusations is the unconditional implementation of the 1994-1995 ceasefire agreements, as well as the agreements reached at the level of ministers on expanding the capacities of the office of the Person Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and introduction of incident investigation mechanisms. 

Կայքում տեղ գտած մտքերն ու տեսակետները հեղինակի սեփականությունն են և կարող են չհամընկնել Asekose.am-ի խմբագրության տեսակետների հետ: Նյութերի ներքո` վիրավորական ցանկացած արտահայտություն կհեռացվի կայքից:
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