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100 cots for needy, many children and Syrian Armenian families with a new-born baby

The Mayor of Russian city of Stavropol Georgi Kolyagin who was in Yerevan on the event of «Erebuni-Yerevan 2797» celebration came up with a special initiative to present cots to all the children born on October 11, the day of celebration, and with the suggestion of making this idea continuative. As the continuation of the initiative, within the New Year social programs of Yerevan Municipality, cots will be distributed to the new-born babies in needy, many children and Syrian Armenian families. 
On the initiative of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan the head of Yerevan Municipality Department of Social Welfare Ruzanna Zakaryan and the head of the Division of Family, Women's and Children's Rights Protection Ida Khachatryan visited such families. Ruzanna Zakaryan on behalf of Yerevan Mayor wished them a happy New Year, handed the cots and presented the children of the families packages with sweets.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan

Կայքում տեղ գտած մտքերն ու տեսակետները հեղինակի սեփականությունն են և կարող են չհամընկնել Asekose.am-ի խմբագրության տեսակետների հետ: Նյութերի ներքո` վիրավորական ցանկացած արտահայտություն կհեռացվի կայքից:
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